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Vaccine Letter to Editor

Letter to the Editor on Covid Vaccines

Sep 18, 2021

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Letter to the Editor

Dear Sir/Madam:

We’ve heard a lot lately about freedom of choice. Great words and of course fundamental to democracy. No argument here. But these words and what they represent have nothing to do with remaining unvaccinated.

In a civil democratic society, freedom of choice is balanced with rules that protect citizens from harm. We have a criminal code that essentially limits the choices an individual has. For example, drunk driving and physical assault are choices that are prohibited and punished because they do or may cause harm to others.

And choosing not to get vaccinated is recklessly and selfishly putting the most vulnerable people in society at risk. Serious breakthrough infections are almost exclusively affecting the very elderly, the immune comprised and the chronically ill. As well, children under 12 are defenceless against the virus. People are seriously endangered, sick or dying because of this so-called ‘choice’.

I’m finished appealing to the willfully unvaccinated about the greater good, expressing concern for their health and wellbeing and explaining the science. The facts are irrefutable: vaccines work, they’re safe and they save lives. It’s not a matter of opinion, it is FACT.

I’m also infuriated by the huge cost to our health care system, the unconscionable harassment of medical staff, and the missed and delayed non-covid medical diagnoses and procedures caused by those who choose to remain unvaccinated. They are the reason we’re still wearing masks, the economy is still faltering and innocent people are still dying.

At this point, it seems the only thing that will stop this new ‘pandemic of the unvaccinated’ is coercion. Perhaps some of the vaccine hesitant can still be persuaded, but for the rest: bring on the vaccine passports and vaccine mandates. It seems compassion and logic mean nothing to anti-vaxxers. I urge everyone not to enable them. We have a responsibility to make sure those who choose to be unvaccinated are not welcomed in our homes, our workplaces and our lives.

Jayne Sutherland
Thornbury Ontario

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