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Open Up Ontario Outdoor Amenities

Letter to the Premier of Ontario

May 14, 2021

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Letter to the Premier of Ontario
CC: Mayor, Town of the Blue Mountains

Dear Premier,

Throughout the pandemic I have stayed informed by listening to the science from qualified and accredited experts. I am fully in favour of masks and have encouraged everyone I know to get vaccinated. Even though I live in an area with one of the lowest covid stats in southern Ontario, I support the province-wide lockdown.

However, I am extremely disappointed with your announcement yesterday that the restrictions on outdoor activities will remain in place. This is despite the science that says outdoor transmission is extremely rare especially when a few basic covid precautions are followed.

Over the past year we have all been on a learning curve and of course there have been missteps. But one thing is clear: following the science is the only responsible and successful way to manage the pandemic. And as the scientific understanding of covid has evolved, we have learned the overwhelming majority of all cases of transmission occur indoors.

I urge the Premier and the Government of Ontario to ease the restrictions on at least some outdoor activities. You recognized the importance of keeping playgrounds open by rescinding your closure order in April to help ensure our children can remain healthy, both physically and mentally. You should realize that this is, of course, true for all Ontarians, regardless of age.

Like the medical community, you have a moral imperative to “do no harm”. By excessively restricting outdoor activities, despite the minimal risk, you are doing just that.

Jayne Sutherland
Thornbury, Ontario

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