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About Jayne and
Sutherland Communications

Communications Consulting

As the proprietor of Sutherland Communications, I bring a broad range of communications skills & expertise to the table. Whether you’re a business, a non-profit, a citizens’ group or just an individual seeking writing assistance, I have the experience to help you with projects both big and small.


My credentials include over 30 years experience in the public and private sectors. As a senior ministerial aide for the governments of Canada and Ontario, I honed my skills as a political advisor, issue management strategist, speech writer and media relations liaison/spokesperson. I have also been a senior executive in the private sector serving as Vice President of Public Affairs for a Canadian bank as well as the Director of Communications for a stock exchange.

I can help you develop marketing strategies and communications, government and media relation plans. I can assist you with content for your website and can write your newsletter, fundraising or marketing material.

I have also been responsible for corporate philanthropy as well as serving on the boards for a number of charitable institutions. So I understand the challenges not only for charities and non-profits, but also from a corporate giving perspective and how to optimize your business’s donation dollars.

I can also help you communicate with governments at the federal, provincial and municipal level. If you have an issue you are advocating, I can prepare a public relations plan that sets out strategy, tactics and messaging to help you achieve success.


Having returned to Thornbury, Ontario, I can offer you big city experience with small town rates. I have a proven track record of being able to assess an issue, determine a strategy and develop an action plan. I am a team player who recognizes the importance of working with people in all levels of an organization and providing dynamic and effective messaging to all your stakeholders.

Jayne Sutherland


Keyboard and Mouse

Consulting Services

Small Businesses and Entrepreneurs

Marketing material, Media plans, Website content


Non-profits and Charities

Fundraising material, Website content, Government funding applications



Communications strategies, Corporate literature, Media and government relations plans



Resumes, business letters


Citizens’ Groups and Political campaigns

Communications & media plans, campaign strategies and literature

Contact Me

Sutherland Communications

PO Box 892
Thornbury, Ontario
N0H 2P0


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